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Arteria : A world under threat, a place as Savagely familiar as your own planet, Only on Arteria the savages are real...


"A false heart for the world to see.

Another to show close friends.

And the real heart kept secret for no one else but themselves."


They were motley teenagers of Casbear Mercenary Academy, favored to win the 1889 Steamball Championship when an unsuccessful attempt on their lives marks them for death. Now, graduation has come early, and their world of espionage, deception, and mayhem has begun. Amidst a highly elite institution of players and pawns, fragile countries brace for the impending war. At the center of these plans and counter-plans is Nos, and a brilliant young vixen with an appetite for destruction.

Generation Steam


When the knock first came, he questioned whether to answer it. By all rights, he should’ve ignored the call and fought his mind to sleep, but he didn’t, and even as he was midst opening the door to his lodgings had that strangely familiar flush creep up his spine, and he was looking into the face of—


“Stéphane,” he said, with a calm that he did not feel.


“Malcolm,” she replied, and there she stood in shimmering allurement the personification of sunshine, her blue eyes gleaming and warmth about her that quickened the heart. A bottle of champagne was in her hand, the laces of her corset loosened, her platinum-blonde hair tumbled, and yet, there were no words between them that seemed appropriate at the moment.


She shook the bottle questioningly, and he answered by standing to one side and permitting her entry. He shut the door, and at last, she spoke.


“Surprised to see me?”




She turned and popped the cork. Her smile infectious. “Liar.”


Nos then sighed regretfully and accused, “Is everything a game to you?”


To which Sunny responded, “Only if it’s entertaining,” taking a seat and carefully loosening the straps of each heel. “Be a dear and pour, Malcolm?”


His cups were plain glass, unsuitable for the occasion, but he poured and delivered one to her without apology. She looked at the presentation and rolled her eyes. “A 500 dollar bottle of Dom Fergnon in a 10 cent glass.”


He didn’t take the bait, leaning against his desk and drinking in her beauty. He was ready for anything but that smile. Inhaling the champagne, Nos refilled his glass, willing himself the strength to send her away and yet realizing his weakness as each article of clothing struck the ground around her. 


“No one’s ever looked at me the way you do…”




“Don’t be,” said she. “I find it flattering. Besides, I must admit that I’ve had this day ticked-off on the calendar for quite a while…” she paused and, in doing so, laughed at her own foolishness. Even still, she rose and slid her dress off her waist. “Dreading this day even… but then I saw the way you looked at me just now, and I realized that I never lost you…”


“Don’t Sunny…”


“… we had so many wonderful times together and—”


“DON’T!” he roared, instantly regretting his outburst. 


She froze. Her jaw snapping shut as fear consumed her.


Taking in his breath, Nos regained his temper and confessed, “You… you used me.” His voice near breaking.


“I did,” she admitted slowly, spreading honey by adding, “but everything we felt together was real.”




She took in her own breath and said no more for a time; her personal anguish of the past rising to the surface when at last, she countered, “I never abandoned you, Nos. You abandoned me, remember?”


“Are you serious?”


“Of course,” she asserted, taking a challenging step towards him. Her perky breasts plainly visible beneath the pale light of the moon shining like shafts through the window. “I asked you to come with me. I begged you, ya son-of-a-bitch!”


“Watch it,” he warned.


“I begged you to come with me. ME! And you tossed me aside like—”


“Sunny!” he exclaimed. “You had just murdered a man!”


“Un tas de merde qui a trahi mon pays… A traitor!” she argued, as had been the same argument at the time, and yet still, Nos could not see the truth. “That’s right… a piece of shit that betrayed my country, my family—for New London coin I might add—and then used that same blood-money to buy protection from the pimps of Casbear. You aren’t like these people, Nos. Boltz! What am I even saying? Your name is Malcolm! These people are scum!”


“And you’re saying that my parents were?” he challenged. 


She didn’t know what to say, and for a long while, neither said anything at all. Both knowing the other’s mind. At last, he took up the conversation again, “Tex was right…”


“No, he wasn’t,” she disagreed, shaking her head, having heard it all before.


“Yeah, he was,” Nos went on, hating himself for admitting it. “I’m a fool. You saw me coming, Sunny…”




“Don’t lie…”


“That’s not what happened at all—”


“Do not lie to me, right now!” he exclaimed, nostrils flared. A vein in his forehead throbbing. “You saw me coming a mile away. You needed help infiltrating the safe-house and knew that I would help you without thinking. You and I were always taking on unthinkable challenges for no other reason than the thrill of outwitting everyone. You saw me coming, placed a puzzle in front of me, and once we were inside, you assassinated your mark, leaving me an unwilling accomplice. You used me then… just as your probably using me now. You did that, Sunny. Not me. Don’t ever put what came between us, on me.”


She sighed regrettably, meaning it. “Malcolm...”


“Don’t use my name. Just call me, Nos.”


“Have it your way. Nos… I hate steamball, you know this. I only joined the squad to see you again.”


“No,” he countered again, wanting to believe it, but unable too. You cannot trust her, you dumb bastard. “You played steamball back in the day to further harass Boomer. You told me as much then, so don’t try and lie to me now and pretend otherwise.”


“That was a long time ago,” she argued. “I was young and immature back in those days. Are you going to hold everything I’ve ever done against me now?”


“You’re the same evil, little bitch, Sunny,” he said bluntly. “I don’t know how you can’t see it? You’re up to your old tricks, as usual. This is Boomer’s year to be the star, and you just had to mess with her again. Look me in the eye and tell me I’m wrong?”


Sunny sighed, at last tossing her arms up in the air and relenting, “Okay, fine. Life has its little bonuses, but that’s not the reason I did all of this.”


“No,” he interrupted, “It’s what you do. Everyone exists for your personal amusement. You came here to mess with Boomer, just like you had to come to my room tonight and mess with me now.”


“Not at all,” she disagreed, a resolve there that gave him hope that she actually meant it. “I’m telling you the truth. I joined the Rangers because it was the only way I could see you again. You know this. Under any other circumstances, if I were to so much as step foot on Meadow Island without papers of official business, I wouldn’t live to see the sunrise. I repeat… I joined the Rangers because it was the only opportunity I’d have to see you again. Those are the facts. That’s the truth. Once you graduate, I’ll never be able to track you down Nos, you’re too well trained. And I had to see you again.”


“Why Sunny?”


“If I told you that it was because I love you… would you believe me?”




He did close the distance between them, although presenting his glass in a mock toast. Looking away regretfully, almost mournfully, Sunny caught his meaning and mimicked her own upraised glass.


“To lies and deception,” he announced. 


She nibbled her lower lip, contemplating the toast. 


And as he watched her doing this, Nos wanted to believe her and forgive her. Is it possible for a woman like you, to love me as much as I love you?


“To lies, deception,” she agreed, before adding, “and really great sex.”


Despite the history between them, they shared a laugh at the ridiculousness of the world they lived, toasting to good health.

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